
Showing posts from November, 2020

Once Upon A Lockdown!

A new volume of satirical and topical fairy tales will soon be hitting the digital book-shelves. Once Upon A Lockdown by Paul Magrs, David Richards and myself. Here is a sneak peek! My short story 'Hide & Seek'... She loved playing games. She played fair, of course, and though she knew it was the ‘taking part’ that counted, she loved to win. She was very competitive.  And golly, was she winning this game! Hiding in this deep green cave had been a stroke of genius. She giggled, covering her mouth. ‘This is sure to be the most incredible game of Hide And Seek in the whole of recorded history! ’ she thought to herself. And she waited! And she waited. And she waited... And she... And… “I’m bored now.” She said, “I have been hiding for a very long time, and no one has even come close to finding me!” She peeked out of the cave, casting her big amber eyes around in the dim light. There wasn’t a single person about! “Where is everyone?” She asked herself, and she pushed