Strange Adventures

    The story of Professor Calamity started off as a series of doodles and notes for a TV series I'd love to make. It was a blend of Doctor Who, Farscape, Blake's 7, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Avengers and so much more! The series was a pastiche, an homage, a fusion of all the elements I held most dear about each of those shows. It was my love letter to science fiction through the ages.

    Over the years Professor Calamity almost became a radio drama twice, but I never quite managed to get it together enough to complete it. Something about the scripts I had written wasn't quite right. It was used as the backdrop to my play Rehearsal Space, set behind the scenes of a low-budget sic-fi show in the 60s.

    In the spring of 2020 I was asked to contribute a short story for a compilation. I picked a freestanding Calamity episode idea, reworking it to fit the characters and the brief, and to a very tight word count.

    I could write my episodes of Professor Calamity with the same tight word count, and compile a paperback trilogy. A three-series tv show on paper. A novelisation of the show that never was! And so I set to work, writing 2000 (ish) words a day, mon-fri for a few weeks until I had hammered it into shape.

    Professor Calamity lives! He breathes! He has mighty fine adventures! I would love for you to join him and his friends on their miraculous and dangerous misadventures.

    Find the Professor and his chums HERE.
