An Expanding Universe

    Where do ideas come from? Where do they go if not caught hold of, and pinned down like a beautiful moth in a museum collection? Do they flutter away into some other head, to be caught hold of by some other collector? Or do they simply fade away, unused, unappreciated, as if they never were?

    I can not let any idea pass me by. I snatch a hold of every single one that flashes its brilliant wings in front of my eyes. I have notebooks of doodles and sketches and story ideas and poems and odd phases, that I one day might do something with. Then again I might not.

    But from these ideas I have been able to cobble together universes in which my creations and characters can connect, enjoy a fuller and more realised existence, and explore. One story leads indirectly to another, and characters that I have enjoyed writing might soon find themselves on their own daring adventures, or engaging in mysterious shenanigans.

    Having a vast sand-box of my own creation, actually, having several vast sand-boxes of my own creation, allows me to have a much fuller and rounded understanding of the unique worlds my characters inhabit. Then the focussing on small incidents, people, and places within this playground of the imagination is equally fuller, and the ideas more rounded and thoroughly fleshed.

    My current sandboxes sprung from my novels Violence and Lavender, and Professor Calamity, where the mundane and the ridiculous occur side by side. Where the usual and the unusual are very happy bedfellows.

    I am eager to tell you of all the stories I have yet to tell; of the witches, and of the tigers, and of the ghost train, and of the roller coasters, and of the space pirates, and of the people who abode on the shores of lake Tarnish... but I shan't. You'll have to wait until I release another book.

    Love & hugs.

    Rylan John Cavell
