Postcards From Castle Dracula


My darling!

I arrived at the Castle yesterday morning. Yes it deserves a capital letter. Awfully grand place, this is. The journey was long and through very dense forests.

There are several other guests, all arrived on the same day. None of us met our host until late into the evening. He’s a bit of a night-owl apparently. No wonder he’s so pale. Needs some sunshine and a decent meal if you ask me!

Wish you were here x

Dearest darling!

I went exploring the Castle yesterday. Got a bit lost. The other holidaymakers seem to travel about in packs, huddled together and talking in low voices. Very peculiar bunch.

Our host loves a knees-up. Lots of red wine and lively chatter. He seemed particularly keen on one young lady. Come to think of it, I’ve not seen her for a few days. Not since they slipped away together, canoodling.

Weather fair. Food good. Wish you were here x

Darling my darling!

A new arrival! A new guest has arrived amongst the holidaymakers. A famous scientist. Or an adventurer. I’m not exactly clear on which. Maybe both. He seems to know our host; the Count. Could cut the air with a knife when those two are in the same room. Sexual tension methinks. The Count keeps biting his lip in a very provocative manner!

A few guests seem to have left without saying goodbyes. But I’m sure I spotted their luggage in their rooms still. Not that I was snooping, but you what I’m like.

Food good. Wine excellent. Weather turning x

Shitting hell, my darling!

This holiday has turned peculiar, and no mistake! The Dutch adventurer scientist chap only went and murdered our host! Right in the middle of dinner! Got blood all over my best frock. The poor Count! I can still see him now, when I close my eyes, gasping and clawing at the stake in his chest. I’d have called the Police, but the Castle hasn’t a phone line.

He murdered him in front of everyone! Well, ‘everyone’ is only a handful of us now. Over the last few days they all seem to have made themselves scarce. Don’t blame them.

Not impressed with the security at this resort. One star review. Will not be returning.

Have a sudden craving for black pudding.

Home soon x
